Principal's Message
July 1, 2024
Dear Ynez families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. It seems like not too long ago that we congratulated our promoting class of 2024 and sent our students off to summer break. Although our school year has ended, the campus continues to be abuzz with summer school and our staff preparing for the new school year.
This year, school will begin on Tuesday, August 13th, 2024, It will be a minimum day. We look forward to another year full of learning and growth for our students. This past year, Ynez School was awarded the Community School’s grant and our Site Collaborative has been taking surveys of our assets and needs. We will use this data to develop programs and community partnerships for our school. We continued to build our school capacity, climate and engagement with community and school engagement events which we will expand upon for the upcoming school year.
Our goal continues to be supporting all students’ well being and academic success, as we look innovatively at student engagement through well-rounded rigorous curriculum and instruction, to prepare our students to be career and future ready. We value the diverse population at Ynez school and strive to reflect inclusivity and equity in our practices. Parent and family partnerships are a critical component of school and student success. I invite you to communicate with our staff and administrators, attend school meetings/events, and visit our website for updated information. Together we can build positive learning communities and experiences for our students.
This year, Ynez students will continue to receive a free breakfast and lunch. We encourage all families to fill out the Alternative Income Form to assist Ynez School with funding. Every form makes a difference! Here is the link, it is also on your PowerSchool Family Portal. Student’s homeroom announcements will be accessible through the parent portal on August 12th at Due to enrollment changes, homeroom assignments are subject to change. Your child’s teacher will send you a list of suggested supplies after school begins.
To assist in back to school shopping, I want to remind all families that students are required and expected to be in school uniforms everyday. Uniform tops can be yellow, navy blue, white, or light blue. All tops must have a collar and sleeves. Bottoms can be navy blue or khaki and must be at least mid-thigh to mid-calf. Ynez apparel is accepted and can be purchased through PTA. School appropriate dress is expected during Spirit Days that adhere to the AUSD Dress Policy. We also want to remind students that cell phones are to be turned off during school hours as per board policy. Please see the attachments for our bell schedule and calendar.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and look forward to seeing you and your child on the first day of school!
Warm Regards,
Janice Phan Ed.D
Ynez Elementary School
7th Grade Students: Please remember that all incoming 7th-grade students are required to submit proof of their TDAP vaccination by August 12th at 3:00 pm, to attend school.